Essay writing tips and advice from academic experts

There is sound evidence that most college students have a hard time researching for complex term papers and even writing the simplest essays. Moreover, only a few students can afford to pay professional custom writing companies for their assistance. Our editorial team offers free writing help.

Making Your Research Proposal for Dissertation Better: 5 Vital Tips

When you are writing your research proposal for your dissertation you might struggle to make it better or to simply find the motivation to do it at all. Have no fear because many students have been in your shoes before and more will follow.

Motivating Yourself While Writing Your Essay

When you are writing an essay, you can turn to a system of motivations. Some students use punishment as a motivator, while others use rewards. Still, others use feedback.

  1. If you want motivational feedback, you can turn to a trusted group of friends, a writing group, or your loving family to give you the feedback that you need. If, for example, you need to hear how you are brilliant, it might be best to call your grandmother. They are often great at that.
  2. It is perfectly reasonable to tell the person from whom you are seeking feedback what type of feedback you want. You can tell your reader that you want to see only if they can grasp your main argument, and that you know the draft is very rough and not properly edited. Then they can turn around and tell you “yes I got the main argument” instead of “wow that was really poorly written, with bad transitions and a lot of errors”.
  3. While you are writing, you should give yourself rewards. Create a deadline for your first draft, and when you finish, do something that will make you cherish the accomplishment such as eating a tub of ice cream, renting your favorite movie, or meeting a friend for coffee. A tangible reward, no matter how small it is, can give you the dose of additional motivation that you need to finish your essay.
  4. Some students need to schedule daily rewards to motivate their essay writing. If you really love to watch your favorite television show, and you happen to own the full seasons on DVD, you can reward yourself each night before bed with one episode, assuming you completed the amount of work you needed to do for the day.
  5. For some students, punishments work best. Instead of rewarding every accomplishment, they tell themselves that if they fail to finish ____ by a particular date, then they won’t be able to do ____.

Find a method of motivation that works best for you and use it to produce top notch papers.

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