Essay writing tips and advice from academic experts

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Academic writing prompts: writing a topic sentences


One of the essential components of easy writing is the improvement of your skills to be able to write great topic sentences. It is therefore important to ensure that your topic sentences are up to par. When you write great topic sentences then automatically the rest of the writing will flow with it.

Topic should be clearly stated

The first thing you need to consider when writing topic sentence is that it should be stated clearly. Since the topic sentence is presumably going to be the first sentence in the paragraph it should be able to state clear its intention which is expected to be expounded in the subsequent discussions.

You should ensure that it is not wordy or difficult to understand; in essence it should contain the topic and probably an opinion or the intended idea. The topic sentence should be able to hook the reader. It can be able to achieve this by asking the very questions that you intend to answer in the subsequent paragraphs. The audience can be pulled in through engaging them directly into the action.

Describe character

Further on, you can hook the reader by bringing in the spicy element into the topic. One way that you can bring this out clearly is through describing a character; this can be done in an emotional way or physical description. Or you can have a conversation mood into the topic; this will attract the readers’ attention especially if the conversation is relevant to the topic you are discussing. The topic sentence can also be used as a means of portraying an emotion.

The prompt can also be created using detail; even though you are not suppose to be wordy on your topic sentence, you can use your language creatively to include the relevant details being discussed in the subject matter. Even though this may not be termed as point but it is important to avoid rhetoric questions. It might be you intend to arouse the critical aspect of the mind in the reader but you may fall short if the questions is rhetoric –let them formulate questions out of what you have fed them, instead of forming questions for them.


Indeed the topic sentence should be short and sweet; it should be able to portray the message clearly without the readers having to search for it keenly trying to read in between the lines. The intentions and the prompts should be short and clear. The body of the paragraph will is intended to prove the topic sentence, which in this case should have a reasonable opinion. In essence, it should be preparing the reader on what to expect and it should be believable or can be supported by evidence, most probably in the paragraphs.

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